X3D Version 4 open for Web3D member comments and vote

X3D Version 4 open for Web3D member comments and vote after which the Web3D Consortium will be submitting X3D4 specifications for ISO/IEC ratification in February 2021, The ability to review the v4 standard and provide comments and feedback for consideration by the Board and X3D Working Group is an important privilege of Consortium membership. We encourage you to to Join the Consortium and take advantage of this opportunity.

Preparation of latest version of our X3D standard represents a years-long effort by many past and present Consortium members. We hope that the broader member community will contribute to its success by providing your expert and considered feedback on the proposed V4 document. We encourage you to to Join the Consortium and take advantage of this opportunity. As detailed in the standards adoption process ( https://www.web3d.org/standards/adoption-process  ) the member review process will last 30 days, beginning Dec 16 2020 and ending at 12 PM PST on Friday Jan 15 2021. X3D Version 4 Highlights

Only Consortium members are eligible to submit comments through the google form. Non-members have access to the draft X3D4 document and may engage in discussion on the x3d-public mailing list or through the standards comment form at https://www.web3d.org/content/web3d-standards-comment-form 

Web3D standards are developed, tested, maintained and updated by Web3D Consortium members. Following public comment and approval by the Web3D Consortium, they are submitted to International Standards Organization (ISO) for a series of annual reviews.  X3D4 development has been the center of discussion among the Web3D Working groups and community for the past 2 years. Consortium members are empowered to participate and contribute to the X3D4 specifications before public deployment. All decision are consensus based, following Web3D Standards Adoption guidelines and IP Policy. Members  have early access to the specification under development to identify at least two independent and interoperable implementations. After this extensive collaborative work, now it's time for our members to  Influence Web3D technology and industry by voting on X3D4 specifications for ISO/IEC ratification. Why is this important? Read full post


Press Release: 
Release Date: 
Tue, 2020-12-15