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All of the content in these videos was made with Web3D Consortium's ISO standards (X3D, VRML; H-Anim). Open Standards for Real-Time 3D Communication: Web-ready, Enterprise-approved.

Touchscreen manipulation of real-time rendered 3D objects using Fraunhofer's Instant Reality X3D/VRML Player.

The content of this video was made with Web3D Consortium's ISO standards (X3D, VRML; H-Anim). Open Standards for Real-Time 3D Communication : Web-ready, Enterprise-approved.

This video shows training of the use of ultrasound scanner.

Various 3D scenes generated by BitManagement's BS Contact.

A video of a demo showing the Instant Reality engine displaying an object as it interacts with a human hand.

20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall Fraunhofer IGD presents Augmented Reality technology for assistant living using the example of Berlin.

Yumetech developed a 3D display for Closet Maid to assist their customers with the planning and design of Closet Maid parts. There is no audio with this video.

The iPhone app visualizes the compelling history of Darmstadt's unique Jugendstil quarter with Augmented Reality. Jump back in time visually by photos you take with your iPhone: Augmented Reality superimposes information on each picture and visualizes the impressive historical architecture of the Art Nouveau in front of real building.

A video showing a demo of a smart phone using a camera to take pictures and transmit to a cloud server that analyzes the image and returns additional information to the user.

No description is yet available.

Octaga's high performance X3D/VRML rendering engine handles even the biggest 3D models and is able to display them in real-time.
