Organization Membership


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Web3D Consortium has three levels of Organizational memberships. The levels are based on the size of the organization (either employees or revenue, whichever is greater). Access and benefits are the same for each level. You may optionally request Directing membership. This feature is available at an additional cost and gives your organization a seat on Web3D Consortium's Board of Directors. Use the table below to determine the membership level. You will be given the option of selecting DIrecting membership on the following page.


Membership Categories
Type Maximum Revenue (US$) Maximum Staff Regular ($) Directing ($) Join
Small 4,999,999 99 $2,500 $4,500 Join as Small Organization
Standard 49,999,999 999 $5,500 $9,500 Join as Standard Organization
Large unlimited unlimited $15,000 $25,000 Join as Large Organization

Additional benefits and responsibilities come with a Directing Organizational Members. Contact Members Services for details.