X3D Example Archives: Basic, Chemical Markup Language

Chemical Markup Language (CML)

Chemical Markup Language (CML) provides support for most chemistry including molecules, compounds, reactions, spectra, crystals and computational chemistry.

These examples show how to visualize Chemical Markup Language (CML) molecular definitions, combined with previously designed X3D model prototypes, by converting CML molecule definitions in XML through CmlToX3d.xslt stylesheet transformations. This process is described in the paper "Stylesheet Transformations for Interactive Visualization: Towards a Web3D Chemistry Curricula," originally published in Proceedings of Web3D 2003 Symposium, St. Malo France, 9-12 March 2003, ACM Press.

  23 X3D Models       X3D Model Descriptions
   _1_4_Dihydronaphthalene 1 4 Dihydronaphthalene Autogenerated version of _1_4_Dihydronaphthalene.x3d scene produced from _1_4_Dihydronaphthalene.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   _3_Methyl_1H_indene 3 Methyl 1 H indene Autogenerated version of _3_methyl_1h_indene.x3d scene produced from _3_methyl_1h_indene.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   AceticAcid Acetic Acid Autogenerated version of AceticAcid.x3d scene produced from AceticAcid.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Alanine Alanine Autogenerated version of Alanine.x3d scene produced from Alanine.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   ButanedioicAcid Butanedioic Acid Autogenerated version of ButanedioicAcid.x3d scene produced from ButanedioicAcid.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Caffeine Caffeine Autogenerated version of Caffeine.x3d scene produced from Caffeine.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Cholesterol Cholesterol Autogenerated version of Cholesterol.x3d scene produced from Cholesterol.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Cortisone Cortisone Autogenerated version of Cortisone.x3d scene produced from Cortisone.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   CyclohexeneOxide Cyclohexene Oxide Autogenerated version of CyclohexeneOxide.x3d scene produced from CyclohexeneOxide.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Cyclopentanamine Cyclopentanamine Autogenerated version of Cyclopentanamine.x3d scene produced from Cyclopentanamine.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Digitoxigenin Digitoxigenin Autogenerated version of Digitoxigenin.x3d scene produced from Digitoxigenin.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   DimethylSulfoxide Dimethyl Sulfoxide Autogenerated version of DimethylSulfoxide.x3d scene produced from DimethylSulfoxide.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Ethanol Ethanol Autogenerated version of Ethanol.x3d scene produced from Ethanol.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   GlycerolDiacetate Glycerol Diacetate Autogenerated version of GlycerolDiacetate.x3d scene produced from GlycerolDiacetate.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Histamine Histamine Autogenerated version of Histamine.x3d scene produced from Histamine.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Oxytocin Oxytocin Autogenerated version of Oxytocin.x3d scene produced from Oxytocin.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   PyruvicAcid Pyruvic Acid Autogenerated version of PyruvicAcid.x3d scene produced from PyruvicAcid.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Riboflavin Riboflavin Autogenerated version of Riboflavin.x3d scene produced from Riboflavin.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   SomatoStatin Somato Statin Autogenerated version of SomatoStatin.x3d scene produced from SomatoStatin.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   TartaricAcid Tartaric Acid Autogenerated version of TartaricAcid.x3d scene produced from TartaricAcid.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   Tetrahydrofuran Tetrahydrofuran Autogenerated version of tetrahydrofuran.x3d scene produced from tetrahydrofuran.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   TransDCE Trans DCE Autogenerated version of TransDCE.x3d scene produced from TransDCE.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.
   VitaminK Vitamin K Autogenerated version of VitaminK.x3d scene produced from VitaminK.xml Chemical Markup Language (CML) version 1.0 source file.

The X3D Resources: Examples page and Savage Developers Guide provide more information about the production of this archive.