The U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) and Naval Support Activity Annapolis (NSAA) released its jointly developed installation resiliency plan. ISO Open standard X3D, a standards, developed by the Web3D Consortium for 3D Visualization will be used in this installation resiliency plan. To help avoid and prepare for recover from extreme weather events, or from anticipated or unanticipated changes in environmental conditions.


The capability of a military installation to avoid, prepare for, minimize the effect of, adapt to, and recover from extreme weather events, or from anticipated or unanticipated changes in environmental conditions can adversely affect the military installation or essential transportation, logistical, or other necessary resources that are necessary in order to maintain, improve, or rapidly reestablish installation mission assurance and mission-essential functions.

The plan uses most recent sea level rise projections, as recommended by the USNA Sea Level Rise Advisory Council (SLRAC) and the DoD Regional Sea Level database. It recommends a variety of complementary adaptation and resilience projects that will work together to provide protection of the

" X3D....."

“The study provides information and a project portfolio that needs to be accomplished over the next forty-plus years,” said Navy Capt. Tom McLemore, NSAA public works officer. “We must now balance the information from the study with conditions of the existing infrastructure to create a program of
projects that balances the mission of the Academy, funding availability, and the risks associated with rising seas.”

The resilience plan, which includes an integrated adaptation framework, project portfolio, and phased
execution plan can be found in this Executive Summary

Press Release: 
Release Date: 
Sat, 2024-01-06