Declarative 3D for the Web Architecture
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Submitted by Webmaster on Mon, 2012-01-09 08:59
The DEC3D2012 workshop is to encourage researchers from both the Web and 3D graphics communities to meet and talk about an integration of interactive 3D graphics capabilities into the Web technology stack.
Tuesday, 2012, April 17 - 12:00am
Lyon, France
The aim of the workshop is to encourage researchers from both the Web and 3D graphics communities to meet and talk about an integration of interactive 3D graphics capabilities into the Web technology stack. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for the communities, in which participants can:
- Present and discuss approaches to publishing 3D graphics on the Web in a declarative way;
- Discuss how the general principles, that are/were valid for the Web, translate to 3D declarative graphics, what are the difficulties, how can that goal be achieved in the current ecosystem of web development;
- Explore how the incorporation of declarative 3D graphics can be done in currently popular web browsers; we expect to showcase innovative applications that deeply integrate 3D graphics and HTML, among others, Fraunhofer and DFKI will report on X3DOM and XML3D as models for an easy to use 3D hypermedia publishing frameworks;
- Shape the agenda and identify upcoming research issues for the next development stage of the 3D Web.
The workshop will serve as a forum for the confluence of new and multidisciplinary ideas that will help to drive research in the area of 3D graphics on the Web.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: 22nd February, 2012, 23:59 CET
- Notification of acceptance: 6th March, 2012
- Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: 22nd March, 2012
- Workshop date: 17th April, 2012
Press Release:
Release Date:
Mon, 2012-01-09