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3 | <X3D profile='Immersive' version='4.0' xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' xsd:noNamespaceSchemaLocation='https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-4.0.xsd'> |
4 | <head> |
5 | <!-- Authors need to replace asterisked values or delete unneeded meta tags as appropriate --> |
6 | <meta name='title' content='*enter FileNameWithNoAbbreviations.x3d here*'/> |
7 | <meta name='description' content='*enter description here, short-sentence summaries preferred*'/> |
8 | <meta name='creator' content='*enter name of original author here, with separate entries for multiple authors*'/> |
9 | <meta name='translator' content='*if translating from another format, enter name of person translating here*'/> |
10 | <meta name='created' content='*enter date of initial version here*'/> |
11 | <meta name='translated' content='*enter date of translation here*'/> |
12 | <meta name='modified' content='4 August 2024'/> |
13 | <meta name='version' content='*enter version here, if any (date modified is usually sufficient)*'/> |
14 | <meta name='reference' content='*enter reference citation or relative/online url here*'/> |
15 | <meta name='reference' content='*enter additional url/bibliographic reference information here*'/> |
16 | <meta name='requires' content='*enter prerequisite resource here if needed to support function, delivery, or coherence of content*'/> |
17 | <meta name='rights' content='*enter copyright information here* Example: Copyright (c) Web3D Consortium 2001-2024'/> |
18 | <meta name='drawing' content='*enter drawing filename/url here*'/> |
19 |
<meta name='Image' content='*enter image filename/url here*' |
20 | <meta name='MovingImage' content='*enter movie filename/url here*'/> |
21 | <meta name='photo' content='*enter photo filename/url here*'/> |
22 | <meta name='subject' content='*enter subject keywords here*'/> |
23 | <meta name='accessRights' content='*enter permission statements or url here*'/> |
24 | <meta name='hint' content='*note any hints to authors here*'/> |
25 | <meta name='info' content='*note any additional information here*'/> |
26 | <meta name=' warning ' content=' *note any known warnings or issues here* '/> |
27 | <meta name=' error ' content=' *note any known errors or problems here* '/> |
28 | <meta name='specificationSection' content='X3D 4.0 Architecture, ISO/IEC 19775-1:2023'/> |
29 | <meta name='specificationUrl' content='https://www.web3d.org/specifications/X3Dv4/ISO-IEC19775-1v4-IS/Part01/Architecture.html'/> |
30 | <meta name='identifier' content='*enter online Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address for this file here*'/> |
31 | <meta name='generator' content='X3D-Edit 4.0, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/> |
32 | <meta name='license' content='../license.html'/> |
33 | <!-- Additional authoring resources for meta tags: http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms http://www.dublincore.org/documents/dces https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/document-metadata.html#the-meta-element http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/struct/global.html#h-7.4.4 https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000490.shtml --> |
34 | <!-- Additional authoring resources for language codes: https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/langhome.html http://www.iana.org/numbers.html#index_L --> |
35 | </head> |
36 | <Scene> |
37 | <!-- <WorldInfo title='TODO provide name of model as title, then uncomment this node'/> --> |
38 | <!-- Scene graph nodes are added here --> |
39 | </Scene> |
40 | </X3D> |
Color-coding legend: X3D terminology
<X3dNode field='value'/>
matches XML terminology
<XmlElement attribute='value'/>
(Light-blue background: event-based behavior node or statement)
(Grey background inside box: inserted documentation)
(Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)
For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources, and X3D Scene Authoring Hints.