All Classes and Interfaces
Test TextureTransform of scale, rotation, center and translation to an ImageTexture.
Test scale, transform rotation and center of MovieTexture TextureTransform.
Test rotation, center and scale transform to PixelTexture.
Test JPG ImageTexture mapping onto a sphere, cone, cylinder and box.
Test mapping PNG ImageTexture to all primitive geometry.
Test TextureTransform of scale, center, translation and rotation to primitive geometry for ImageTexture.
Test TextureTransform of scale, center, translation and rotation to primitive geometry for a MovieTexture.
Test TextureTransform of scale, center, translation and rotation to primitive geometry for PixelTexture.
Test diffuseColor for all geometry.
Test combination of diffuseColor and texturing for all geometry.
Test Material transparency for all geometry.
Test ambientIntensity on primitive geometry.
Test ambientIntensity on complex geometry.
Test ANY NavigationInfo type.
Test the function of CylinderSensors autoOffset field, when autoOffset is true (the default) and false.
Two Box geometry each have a PlaneSensor associated with them.
This test defines a Billboard node with two shapes (two Boxes and text) with a rotation axis about all axis (special value of 0 0 0 for the axisOfRotation field).
This tests defines a Billboard node with three shapes (two Boxes and text) with a rotation axis about the X axis.
This tests defines a Billboard node with three shapes (two Boxes and text) with a rotation axis about the Y axis.
This tests defines a Billboard node with three shapes (two Boxes and text) with a rotation axis about the Z axis.
This file tests the ability of a browser to apply a single blue color to all vertices in an ElevationGrid geometry.
This world tests browser ability to apply a single blue color to an IndexedFaceSet, applying the color to all vertices.
This world tests browser ability to apply a single blue color to an IndexedLineSet, applying it to all verticesin the cube.
This tests check the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.
This tests check the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.
This tests check the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.
This tests check the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.
This tests checks the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.
This tests check the boundary condition of 500 children per grouping node.
A Collision node with a Shape node as a child is defined in the local coordinate system.
Test center field for complex geometry applied with an ImageTexture.
Test center field for complex geometry applied with a MovieTexture.
Test center field for complex geometry applied with a PixelTexture.
Test center field for primitive geometry applied with a ImageTexture.
Test center field for primitive geometry applied with a MovieTexture.
Test center field for primitive geometry applied with a PixelTexture.
Test the size field for a VisibilitySensor node.
Test the "center" field of a ProximitySensor.
Test of the "center" field of a VisibilitySensor node.
Test the size field of a ProximitySensor.
This tests check the minimum conformance requirement of 500 children per grouping node.
Test a collide value of false.
Test Fog color.
Test of colorPerVertex field is set to true and the colorIndex is set valid indices for the Color node.
Test of colorPerVertex field set to true and the colorIndex field is set to valid indices for the color field.
Test of colorPerVertex field is set to true and the colorIndex field is set to valid indices for the color field.
Test browser ability to apply 15000 normals to an ElevationGrid geometry.
Test Color node precedence over diffuseColor fir complex geometry.
Text Color node precedence over Material diffuseColor with greyscale texture present.
Test browser ability to map a greyscale with alpha-opacity PNG file and a greyscale with binary transparency PNG file onto the faces of complex geometry.
Test browser ability to map an RGB with alpha-opacity PNG file onto the faces of complex geometry.
This test sets the convex field to false for a figure that is not convex The solid field is set to false.
This test sets the convex field to true for a figure that is not convex The solid field is set to false.
Test of colorPerVertex field is set to true and the colorIndex field is set to empty.
Test of colorPerVertex field set to true and the colorIndex field is set to empty.
Test of normalPerVertex field is set to true and the normalIndex field is set to empty.
Test NOT binding a Fog node generated by Create_Vrml_From_String.
Test NOT binding a NavigationInfo node generated by Create_Vrml_From_String.
Test that a Viewpoint genereated by CreateVrmlFromString should not be bound.
Test NOT binding a Fog node generated by Create_Vrml_From_Url.
Test NOT binding a NavigationInfo node generated by Create_Vrml_From_Url.
Test that a Viewpoint genereated by CreateVrmlFromUrl should not be bound.
By setting the cycleInterval field to 5, the animation of a red Sphere geometry should take 5 seconds to complete.
Test if TimeSensor sends cycleTime event at the start of each cycle.
Test DEF of multipl ProximitySensors.
Three instances (DEFs) of the same VisibilitySensor are associated with a Spherer geometry.
By simply setting a default AudioClip using the default values a sound should NOT play at load time, and will not generate events.
Test Fog PROTO binding.
Test a NavigationInfo PROTO.
Test a PROTO Viewpoint.
Test binding a single NavigationInfo node.
Test a single bound Viewpoint.
Test selection of first Fog node in world.
Test binding first of 2 NavigationInfo nodes.
Test selection of first Viewpoint found.
By default, the box is centered at the origin of the local coordinate system, aligned with the coordinate axes, and measures 2 units in each direction, from -1 to +1.
Test default Collision properties.
Test default Fog color.
Test default lighting of Material node for complex geometry.
Test browser to apply default values of a DirectionalLight node to complex geometry.
Test browser to apply default values of a PointLight node to complex geometry (ElevationGrid, Extrusion, and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to apply default values of a SpotLight node to complex geometry (ElevationGrid, Extrusion, The test should generate all three complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet) with the default color.
A simple cone whose central axis is aligned with the local Y-axis, centered at the origin in the local coordinate system, and measures from -1 to +1 in all three dimensions.
This test uses the default value for the creaseAngle field for an IndexedFaceSet (Sphere).
A cylinder center at the origin in the local coordinate system, and measures from -1 to +1 in all three dimensions.
Test default CylinderSensor properties.
A default CylinderSensor is assigned to an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.
This world tests browser ability to draw an IndexedFace set using mostly default values.
Test default Fog properties.
Test default FontStyle rendering.
Test default field values.
This world tests browser ability to draw an IndexedLine set using mostly default values.
Test loop equals true.
Test if PlaneSensor works for default field values.
Test default Material node properties for primitive geometry.
Test default field values for primitive geometry applied with an ImageTexture.
Test default field values for primitive geometry applied with a MovieTexture.
Test default field values for primitive geometry applied with a PixelTexture.
Test browser to apply all the default values of a DirectionalLight node to simple geometry.
Test browser to apply all the default values of a PointLight node to simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder, box).
Test browser to apply all the default values of a SpotLight node to simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder, box).
A ProximitySensor with all default values is associated with a red Sphere geometry.
Test default properties.
Test default speed.
Test a default Sphere.
A default SphereSensor is assigned to an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test setting MovieTexture loop to true.
This test attempts to write the "The VRML Test Suite" string by using mostly default values.
Test of texCoord field is set to NULL and a texture image is defined using an appearance node.
Test default TimeSensor properties.
Test default type.
Test default Viewpoint properties.
Test default VisibilitySensor properties.
This file tests the ability of a browser to parse the AudioClip node, and its description field.
This tests browser ability to assign a different name to an EXTERNPROTO node from the name defined in the URL file.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test diffuseColor on primitive geometry.
Test diffuseColor on complex geometry.
Test direction.
Test all possible combinations of "horizontal", "justify", "leftToRight" and "topToBottom" for major and minor Text axes.
Test duration_changed field.
Text default TextureTransform mapping of a JPG image to an ElevationGrid.
This tests browser ability to prefer the color field of an ElevationGrid node over the diffuseColor field of the Material node, if both are present.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a MovieTexture to an ElevationGrid.
Map a PixelTexture A PixelTexture consisting of a square checkerboard of blue (lower left quadrant), yellow (lower right), red (upper right) and green (upper left) to an ElevationGrid.
A browser should select a Material node texture field over the color field of an ElevationGrid, and generate the VTS logo texture on the ElevationGrid surface.
Map a JPG image to an ElevationGrid.
Test mapping a MovieTexture to an ElevationGrid geometry.
Map a PixelTexture image to an ElevationGrid.
Map a PNG image to an ElevationGrid.
Test multiple ellipsoids.
Test emissiveColor on primitive geometry.
Test emissiveColor on complex geometry.
Test of colorPerVertex field is set to false and the colorIndex field is set to empty.
Tesf of colorPerVertex field set to false and the colorIndex field is set to empty.
Test of normal field set not NULL, the normalPerVertex field is set to F ALSE and the normalIndex field is set to empty.
Test browser to use its own algorithm when and empty range list is specified in the "range" field.
Test of textCoord field set to valid values (and not NULL), the texCoordIndex field is set empty.
Test the function of CylinderSensors field "enabled".
Test the action of PlaneSensors field enabled.
A ProximitySensor (represented by a box frame that coincides with the location of the ProximitySensor bounding box), encloses a red Sphere geometry.
Test the function of SphereSensors field "enabled".
With the enabled field set to false, a startTime event sent to a TimeSensor that animates the movement of the red Sphere geometry will not start the TimeSensor.
A TouchSensor is associated with a white Sphere geometry.
Test enabled field.
Test EXAMINE type.
This file is referenced by the "invalid_url" file as part of the invalid URL test.
This file is referenced by the "invalid_url" file as part of the invalid url test.
A simple box that extends along the x, y, and z-axes.
A simple cone that specifies values other than the default for bottomRadius and height.
A simple cylinder that specifies values other than the default for the radius and height fields.
Test non-default Sphere values.
An extra large box that tests the upper boundary condition.
An extra large cone that tests the upper boundary condition.
An extra large cylinder that tests the upper boundary condition.
Test browser to ignore extra entries in the level field for which there are no corresponding entries in the range field.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a JPG image to an Extrusion.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a MovieTexture to an Extrusion.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a PixelTexture to an Extrusion geometry.
Map a JPG image to an Extrusion.
Test default mapping of an mpeg movie to an Extrusion.
Map a PixelTexture image to an Extrusion.
Map a PNG image to an Extrusion.
Test browser support of 5000 faces per IndexedFaceSet.
Test range of family values for FontStyle node.
Test browser to associate extra entries in the range field with the last entry in the levels field.
Test of colorPerVertex field set to false and the colorIndex field is set to valid indices for each color in the Color node.
Test of colorPerVertex field set to false and the colorIndex field is set to valid indices for each color in the color field.
Test of colorPerVertex field set to false and the colorIndex field is set to valid indices for each color in the color field.
Test of normal field set to not NULL, the normalPerVertex ifield is set to false and the normalIndex field is set to not empty.
Tese of textCoord field set to valid values (and not NULL), the texCoordIndex field is set to valid values for the texCoord field.
This tests browser ability to select the first PROTO it finds in a wrl file if no PROTOname is supplied at the end of the URL in an EXTERNPROTO declaration.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test loading first frame of a MovieTexture.
Test 5-deep EXTERNPROTO nesting.
This is a test of browser ability to nest 5 PROTO node within each other. 5 PROTO node, consisting of a "ringshaped" Extrusion geometry are nested, one within the other, within the other.
A simple box that mixes integer and floating point values for the x, y, and z coordinates.
A simple cone that specifies floating point values for the bottomRadius and height fields.
A simple cylinder that specifies floating point values for the radius and height fields.
Test headlight range.
This is a test of the browser's ability to display a default LINEAR fog type.
Test the fraction_changed field of a TimeSensor node.
This world tests browser ability to apply a single color to all points in a PointSet geometry.
Test browser ability to map greyscale pixel values to geometry.
Test browser ability to map greyscale plus alpha opacity pixel values to geometry.
Test greyscale texture with alpha opacity PNG mappint to primitive geometry.
Test browser ability to combine a greyscale PixelTexture image and a "red" Color node onto the faces of primative geometry.
Test browser ability to combine a greyscale PixelTexture with the diffuseColor value of a Material node.
Test greyscale JPG mapping onto a sphere, cone, cylinder and box.
Test browser ability to combine a greyscale JPEG ImageTexture with the color field value of a Color node.By adding a "red" diffuseColor to all geometry primitives, a "red" greyscale version of the VTS logo should cover the entire surface, and wrap counterclockwise from the back of the sphere.
Test browser ability to combine a greyscale JPEG ImageTexture with the diffuseColor value of a Material node.By adding a "red" diffuseColor to all geometry primitives, a "red" greyscale version of the VTS logo should onto a sphere, cone, box and box.
Test mapping a greyscale PNG image onto a sphere, cone, cylinder and box.
Test browser ability to combine a greyscale PNG ImageTexture with the color field value of a Color node.By adding a "red" diffuseColor to all geometry primitives, a "red" greyscale version of the VTS logo should cover the entire surface, and wrap counterclockwise from the back of the sphere.
Test browser ability to combine a greyscale PNG ImageTexture with the diffuseColor value of a Material node.By adding a "red" diffuseColor to all geometry primitives, a "red" greyscale version of the VTS logo should cover the entire surface, and wrap counterclockwise from the back of the sphere.
Test that texture transparency supersedes a completely opaque Material transparency value.
Test that a greyscale texture transparency supersedes material transparency.
This is a test of the default state of the headlight field, and setting headlight to true and false.
Test browser support of 16000 heights for ElevationGrid.
Test a ColorInterpolators ability to continue to receive and generate events when it is no longer part of the transformantion hierarchy.
Test of a CoordinateInterpolator node to continue to generate and receive events when outside the Transform hierarchy.
Test of a NormalInterpolator node to continue to generate and receive events when outside the Transform hierarchy.
Test an OrientationInterpolators ability to continue to receive and generate events when it is no longer part of the transformantion hierarchy.
Test of a PositionInterpolator node to continue to generate and receive events when outside the Transform hierarchy.
Test of a ScalarInterpolator node to continue to generate and receive events when outside the Transform hierarchy.
Test the effect of Transform hierarchy.
Test hitNormal field.
Test the hitPoint_changed field.
Test hitTexCoord field.
This test attempts to write a string made of 100 characters, as required by the VRML specification.
This test attempts to write 100 strings, as required by the VRML specification.
This tests browser ability to ignore EXTERNPROTO statements in a file and select only PROTOs.
Test the Appearance node texture field to accept an ImageTexture node.
Generate an IndexedFaceSet using the Coordinate node.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a JPG image to an IndexedFaceSet.
This world tests browser ability to prefer the color field of an IndexedFaceSet over the diffuseColor field of the Material node.
Test of browser ability to map an ImageTexture onto an entireIndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map a partial portion of an ImageTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map an ImageTexture 3 times its size onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map an entire ImageTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a MovieTexture to an IndexedFaceSet.
Test browser ability to completely map one MovieTexture onto the surface of an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map a partial portion of an MovieTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map an MovieTexture 3 times its size onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map an entire MovieTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test default TextureTransform mapping of a PixelTexture to an IndexedFaceSet geometry.Map a PixelTexture consisting of a square checkerboard of blue (lower left quadrant), yellow (lower right), red (upper right) and green (upper left) to an IndexedFaceSet.
Test browser ability to completely map one PixelTexture onto the surface of an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map a partial portion of an PixelTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map a 3 times multiple of an PixelTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to map the entire portion of an PixelTexture onto an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
This world tests browser ability to choose a Material node texture field over the color field of an IndexedFaceSet if both are present.
Test PixelTexture mapping to an IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of browser ability to default map a MovieTexture onto an entire IndexedFaceSet geometry.
Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with three unequal length bounding box sides.
Test mapping a PNG image to an IndexedFaceSet.
Generate an IndexedLineSet using the Coordinate node.
Test emissiveColor for an IndexedLineSet.
Test precedence of the Color node over emissiveColor for an IndexedLineSet.
This world tests browser ability to prefer the color field of an IndexedLineSet over the diffuseColor field of the Material node, if both are present.
This file tests the ability of a browser to parse the WorldInfo node, and its "info" field.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test Inlining.
Test Inline Viewpoint binding.
Test intensity.
Test skipping a non-existing URL.
Test browser to ignore a reference to a non existing viewpoint.
Test if the CylinderSensor node isActive field can be routed to other node.
Test if a PlaneSensor generates an isActive field when indicated by a pointing device.
Test isActive event.
Test if the SphereSensor node isActive field can be routed to other node.
Test if TimeSensor sends isActive true event when it is running, and sends isActive false when it is stoped.
Test if a TouchSensor generates an isActive true event when the pointing device indicates a white Sphere geometry.
A VisibilitySensor should generate an isActive event of true when the VisibilitySensor bounding box is in the field of view.
A "phonograph" geometry is initially "white" in color, AudioClip begins to play, (when the viewer clicks on the "Start" button, the AudioClips "isActive" field changes to "true", and the color of the "phonograph" geometry should turn yellow.
Test if a TouchSensor generates an isOver true event when the pointing device bearing intersects the white Sphere geometry.
Test jump equal to false.
Test jump equal to true.
Test jumpcut with Anchor node.
Test jumpcut transition with an Anchor node.
Test jumpcut transition with a Collision node.
Test jumpcut Viewpoint transition using Script loadUrl method.
Test jumpcut transition with LoadUrl method.
Test jumpcut to viewpoint in Anchor URL.
Test jumpcut to a nonexistent viewpoint in Anchor URL.Because a Viewpoint named "NonExistentView" is specified in the url, the browser should disregard any other Viewpoint node in this world, and load the Viewpoint node with DEF name "NonEXISTENTView" as the default Viewpoint.
Test jumpcut with ProximitySensor events.
Test if the last frame loaded when the movie becomes inactive remains as the texture.
Test of a ColorInterpolator ability to interpolate between a minimum conformance requirement of 1000 key/keyValue pairs.
Test minimum conformance requirement of 1000 key/keyValue pairs for a CoordinateInterpolator node. 1000 sets (each set consisting of the 8 vertices of a cube) of coordinate keys are matched to a linear set of keyframes from 0 to 1.
Test of minimum conformance requirement of 1000 key/keyValue pairs for a NormalInterpolator node.
Test of basic OrientationInterpolator functionality.
Test of minimum conformance requirement of 1000 key/keyValue pairs for a PositionInterpolator. 1000 positions are linearly interpolated for 1000 keys, with the positions moving from 0 0 0 to -1 0 0 to 0 0 0 to 1 0 0 to 0 0 0 in X, 0 0 0 to 0 -1 0 to 0 0 0 to 0 1 0 to 0 0 0 in Y, 0 0 0 to 0 0 -1 to 0 0 0 to 0 0 1 to 0 0 0 in Z This takes place over 1000 keyFrames.
Test minimum conformance requirement of 1000 keys/keyValues for a ScalarInterpolator.
A simple scene to show KeySensor functionality using Text nodes.
A simple scene to show KeySensor functionality using Core Profile.
A simple scene to show KeySensor functionality using Interactive Profile.
A simple scene to show KeySensor functionality using Core Profile.
Test showing last MovieTexture frame at load time.
This tests addresses the ability of a browser to set the "whichChoice" field to a negative value.
Test Fog range limits.
Test Scene of LocalFog Node: Moving LocalFog having visibilityRange=40 and Linear attenuation.
Test location.
Test loop equals true.
Test a loop value of false for MovieTexture.
Test MovieTexture looping forever.
Test looping until stopTime.
Test of Appearance node ability to accept a Material node as an argument for the material field.
A PlaneSensor is associated with a red Box geometry.
Test if user can clamp rotation_changed events to a range of the angles specified by the minAngle and maxAngle fields for disklike rotation.
Test the function of PlaneSensor if minPosition = maxPosition in its X component.
Test the function of PlaneSensor if minPosition = maxPosition in its Y component.
This test sets the string field to four character strings ("THE", "VRML", "TEST", "SUITE").
Test multiple colors.
This tests addresses the ability of a browser to set the "whichChoice" field to a value that is higher than the number of items in the "choice" field.
Test more colors than points.
Test of the Appearance node ability to accept a MovieTexture in its texture field.
Test MovieTexture as a sound source.
Test mpeg1 movie used as a sound source.
Test mpeg1 systems file playback.
Test mpeg1 video playback.
This test attempts to write the four character strings.
Test of browser ability to generate normals to faces of an ElevationGrid geometry.
Test of browser ability to generate normals to vertices of an ElevationGrid geometry.
Test browsers implementation of Normal node to IndexedFaceSet faces, by applying outward direction perpendicular normals to the front, back, top and bottom faces of a rectangular IndexedFaceSet.
Two unique (not instances of) ProximitySensor node are associated with two unique Sphere geometry.
Test overlapping VisibiltySensors.
This file tests the ability of a browser to skip a nonexistent URL and proceed to the next url in the list to load a sound file.
This tests browser ability to select a specific PROTO if a #PROTOname is supplied at the end of the URL in a "list" of URLs.
This tests browser ability to select a specific PROTO if a "#PROTOname" is supplied at the end of the URL in a "list" of URLs, but one of the URL files does not exist.
A test of browser ability to generate multicolored faces in the ElevationGrid node.
A test of browser ability to generate colored vertices in the ElevationGrid node.
This world tests browser ability to apply multiple colors to an IndexedFaceSet, with a different color applied to each face.
A test of browser ability to generate colored vertices in the IndexedLineSet node.
This world tests browser ability to apply color to an IndexedLineSet, by applying a colorindex to polylines of a wireframe cube, with the front square consisting of red polylines, the rear square made up of blue polylines, the right square containing green horizontal polylines, and the left square having white horizontal polylines.
A test of browser ability to generate colored vertices in the IndexedLineSet node.
A test of browser ability to generate colored points in the PointSet node.
Test browser to associate multiple entries in the level field with corresponding entries in the range field.
Test if a CylinderSensor grabs all further motion events from pointing device when the sensor generates "isActive" true event for primitive geometry.
Test if a PlaneSensor grabs all further motion events from pointing device when the sensor generates "isActive" true event for primitive geometry.
Test if a SphereSensor grabs all further motion events from pointing device when the sensor generates "isActive" true event for primitive geometry.
Test if a TouchSensor grabs all further motion events from pointing device and "overrides" a PlaneSensor that is higher in the sensor hierarchy.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This test defines an Anchor node whose url field is in turn another Anchor node.
Test nested Inline nodes.
Test browser to nest Switch node.
Test effect of nested Transforms.
A VisibilitySensor is "nested" in a "child" Transformation node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test FontStyle node ability to go to next family in attribute list.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 1.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 1.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 1.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 3.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 3.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 3.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 3.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 4.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 4.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 5.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 5.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 2.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 5.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 6.
NIST Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Complex Test Case 8.
Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Fully-Toleranced Test Case 9.
Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Fully-Toleranced Test Case 9.
A simple cone with bottom field set to false, which indicates that the bottom of the cone should not be visible.
A simple cylinder with the bottom field set to false, which indicates that the bottom of the cylinder should not be visible.
A simple cone with the side field set to false, which indicates that the sides of the cone should not be visible.
A simple Cylinder with the side field set to false, which indicates that the sides of the cylinder should not be visible.
A simple cylinder with the top field set to false, which indicates that the top of the cylinder should not be visible.
Test browser behavior with no Collision node present.
Test default browser Fog state when no Fog node is present.
Test browser state with no NavigationInfo present.
Test NONE type.
Test of normalPerVertex field set to true and the normalIndex field is set to valid indices for the normal field.
Test browser to apply 15000 normals to an ElevationGrid geometry.
This test sets the solid field to false, therefore preventing the browser from doing backface culling.
Test browser state with no Viewpoint node present.
Test the browser implementation of a NULL transformation.
Test the function of CylinderSensors offset field, when autoOffset is false.
Three Box geometry each have a PlaneSensor associated with them, and each has a different offset value associated with it.
Test the function of SphereSensors offset field.
Test of the offset_changed field.
Test the function of SphereSensors offset field when autoOffset is false.
Test the function of SphereSensors offset field when autoOffset is true.
A ProximitySensor bounding box of size 10 by 10 by 10 surrounds a Sphere geometry.
Test of parent transformation effect.
This world tests an AudioClip pitch range of 0.5, 1 and 2.0 to determine if the browser correctly alters sound octave as well as sound duration time.
Test Appearance node ability to accept a PixelTexture in the texture field.
Test browser ability to display a PixelTexture of 256 by 256 pixels on a geometry.
Test browser support of at least 15000 points in the Coordinate node.
Test browser support of at least 15000 points in the Coordinate node.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using the minimum required number of points.
Test minimum requirement of 5000 points per PointSet. 5000 points are used to draw a cube grid using the same color for each side (red) to paint all the points in the PointSet.
Test emissiveColor for PointSet geometry.
Test Color node precedence over emissiveColor for PointSet geometry.
This world tests browser ability to prefer the color parameter of a PointSet over the emissiveColor parameter of the Material node if both are present.
Generate a PointSet using the Coordinate node.
Test minimum requirement of 15000 polylines, using default coloring. wo concentrical circles are drawn on the local coordinate system, each circle contains 7500 points.
Test proxy support.
Test proxy collision support with no children.
This world tests browser ability to apply a single color to an ElevationGrid, applying the color red to all faces.
This world tests browser ability to apply a single color to an IndexedFaceSet, applying the color red to all faces.
This world tests browser ability to apply color to an IndexedLineSet, by applying the color red to all polylines in the cube.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests of this node.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale JPEG texture horizontally only to primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale mpeg MovieTexture horizontally only to fill primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PixelTexture horizontally only to fill aprimitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat an mpeg MovieTexture both horitontally and vertically to fill a primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale JPEG texture vertically only on primitive geometry.Two vertical VTS logos should appear on the left side of all geometry faces.
Test browser default ability to repeat an mpeg MovieTexture vertically only to fill a primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PixelTexture vertically only to fill a primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PNG texture vertically only to fill a primitive geometry.Two vertical VTS logos should appear on the left side of all geometry faces.
Test of ccw field set to false and the faces are drawn in a clockwise direction.
Test browser ability to map full RGB color pixel values to geometry.
Test browser ability to map a RGB plus alpha opacity to geometry.
Test browser ability to map an RGB PNG file (with background alpha-transparency set to 0 for the two left geometry, and binary transparency onto the faces of primative onto a sphere (RGB plus alpha), cone (RGB plus alpha), cylinder (RGB plus transparency) and box (palette plus transparency).
Test texture alpha-opacity precedence over Material node opacity.
Test texture transparency precedence over Material node transparency.
Test rotation field for ImageTexture mapping to complex geometry.
Test rotation field for MovieTexture mapping to complex geometry.
Test rotation field for PixelTexture mapping to complex geometry.
Test rotation field for ImageTexture mapping to primitive geometry.
Test rotation field for MovieTexture mapping to primitive geometry.
Test rotation field for PixelTexture mapping to primitive geometry.Test browser ability to apply rotations of (left to right) -180, -90, +45, +90 and +180 degrees to a PixelTexture consisting of a square checkerboard of blue (lower left quadrant), yellow (lower right), red (upper right) and green (upper left) mapped to the faces of primitive geometry, mapping with default primitive geometry mapping rules.
This is a test of a PROTO to route events internally within its PROTO body.
Test same number of colors as points.
Test keys with same value.
Test keys with same value.
Test keys with same value.
Test of using identical keys in an OrientationInterpolator.
Test keys with same value.
Test keys with same value.
Test scale field for ImageTexture mapping to complex geometry.
Test scale field for MovieTexture mapping to complex geometry.
Test scale field for PixelTexture mapping to complex geometry.
Test scale field for ImageTexture mapping to primitive geometry.
Test scale field for MovieTexture mapping to primitive geometry.Test browser ability to apply scales of (left to right) -4 -4, -2 -2, 0.4 .9, 2 2, and 4 4 to an MovieTexture mapped to the faces of primative geometry, mapping with the same rules as in test #1.
Test scale field for PixelTexture mapping to primitive geometry.Test browser ability to apply scales of (left to right) -4 -4, -2 -2, .5 .5, 2 2, and 4 4 to a PixelTexture consisting of a square checkerboard of blue (lower left quadrant), yellow (lower right), red (upper right) and green (upper left) mapped to the faces of primitive geometry, mapping with default primitive geometry mapping rules.
Test Transform scaling effect on Fog visibility.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This test sets the "choice" field to three "Shape" node, and the "whichChoice" field to 0.
This test sets the "choice" field to three "Shape" node, and the whichChoice field to 2.
Test SERIF family rendering for FontStyle node.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different backurl JPEG image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different backurl PNG image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different bottomurl JPEG image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different bottomurl PNG image associated with it.
This tests redefines the value for the creaseAngle for an IndexedFaceSet (sphere).
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different fronturl JPEG image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different fronturl PNG image associated with it.
This test adresses the ability of a browser to associate different ground colors with a set of different groundangles defined in the grondangle field.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different lefturl JPEG image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different lefturl PNG image associated with it.
This test sets the value of the length field to 7.
This test sets the value of the length field to 25.
Test hight maxExtent value.
Test low maxExtent value.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different right JPEG image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different right PNG image associated with it.
Test browser to assign different skycolors to a set of angles in the skyAngle field.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different topurl image associated with it.
Test browser to switch between different backgrounds where each one contains a different topurl PNG image associated with it.
This tests redefines the value for the creaseAngle for an IndexedFaceSet (sphere) to the maximum possibe value.
Five shininess values of 0, .25 .50 .75 and 1.0 are applied from left to right for primitive geometry.
Test shininess for complex geometry.
Test of basic ColorInterpolator functionality.
Test of basic functionality.
Test of basic functionality.
Test of basic OrientationInterpolator functionality.
Test of basic PositionInterpolator functionality.
Test of basic functionality.
This file tests a simple PROTO, with no fields, fields, field or exposed fields in the declaration header.
Test simultaneous playing sounds.
Test of browser ability to generate normals to faces for an ElevationGrid geometry.
Test of browser ability to generate normals to faces for an ElevationGrid geometry.
Test browsers implementation of Normal node to IndexedFaceSet faces, by applying a single (+Z) direction perpendicular normal to all faces of a rectangular IndexedFaceSet.
This world tests browser implementation of the Normal node applied to vertices of a rectangular IndexedFaceSet.
This test defines an Inline node whose "url" field contains a single geometry and Text.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test different size and spacing values for FontStyle node.
A very small box that tests the lower boundary condition.
A very small cone that tests the lower boundary condition.
A very small cylinder that tests the lower boundary condition.
This tests browser ability to select a specific PROTO in a wrl file if a "#PROTOname" is supplied at the end of the URL in an EXTERNPROTO declaration.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test specular color for primitive geometry.
Test specularColor for complex geometry.
Test fractional speed.
Test reverse fractional speed.
Test speed range.
Test speed scaling.
Test default speed for a MovieTexture.
Test speed equal to 0.
Test speed greater than zero.
Test speed less than zero.
Test reverse speed.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale JPEG texture horizontally and vertically to fill primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PixelTexture horizontally and vertically to fill a primitive geometry.
Test browser default ability to repeat a half-scale PNG texture horizontally and vertically to map primitive geometry.
Test loop field set to false, and the startTime is equal to stopTime.
Test of loop field set to false, and the startTime "4" equal to stopTime of "2".
Test of loop field equal to true, and startTime equal to stopTime.
Test of loop field equals true, and startTime of "4" equal to a stopTime of "4".
Test startTime greater than stopTime.
Test of looop set to false, and the startTime (clicking the "Start" button) is greater than stopTime (set to 4 in this example).
Test of loop equal to false, and the startTime "4" greater than a stopTime of "2".
Test of loop equal to true, and startTime greater than stopTime.
Test of loop equal to true, and startTime of "4" greater than a stopTime of "2".
Test of loop equal to false, and startTime less than stopTime.
Test of loop equals false, and the startTime "2" less than stopTime "4".
Test of loop equals true, and the startTime less than stopTime.
Test of loop equals true, and startTime of "2" less than a stopTime of "4" This results in stopTime being considered less than "now", and hence the AudioClip will not play.
Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test MovieTexture behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to false.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is less than startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater than startTime,and loop is set to false.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime is greater then startTime, and loop is set to true.
Test TimeSensor behavior when stopTime equals startTime and loop = true.
Test style attribute for FontStyle node.
Test Switching of sounds.
This test addresses the effect of the DirectionalLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a complex object (IndexedFaceSet).
This test addresses the effect of the PointLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a complex object (IndexedFaceSet).
This test addresses the effect of the SpotLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a complex object (IndexedFaceSet).
This test addresses the effect of the DirectionalLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a simple object (Sphere).
This test addresses the effect of the PointLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a simple object (Sphere).
This test addresses the effect of the PointLight ambientIntensity on the ambient of a simple object (Sphere).
Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box).
Test browser to set the ambientIntensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
This is a collateral file used for other tests of the Anchor node.
Test an Anchor with a Viewpoint.
Test browser to keep the brightness of the DirectionalLight constant regardless of how far an object is from the light source.
Test browser to keep the brightness of the DirectionalLight constant regardless of how far an object is from the light source.
Test bounding box parsing only.
Test bounding box parsing only.
Test bboxSize parsing only.
Test bboxSize parsing only.
Test if bboxSize is parsed.
Test browser to set the beamWidth field to a range of values on a set of a simple geometry (sphere) Seven rows of spheres are drawn in the local coordinate system and a single SpotLight is defined at the center.
Test browser to set the beamWidth field to a range of values on a set of a simple geometry (sphere) Seven rows of spheres are drawn in the local coordinate system and a single SpotLight is defined at the center.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.
This test addresses the ability of a background node to send true events when it is the currently binded background.
This test addresses the ability of a background node to send true events when it is the currently binded background.
Test browser to bound the next background in the stack when the active background receives a false event and no event is send to the next background.
Test browser to bound the next background in the stack when it receives a true event and no event is send to the background currently at the top of the stack. the background not at the top of the stack receives a true event.
Test browser ability to dynamically activate and deactivate backgrounds.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.
Test ccw field.
Test browser to set different values for the "center" field.
This test defines a Transform that specifies an offset along the X axis from the center of the local coordinate system.
This test defines a Transform that specifies an offset along the Y axis from the center of the local coordinate system.
This test defines a Transform that specifies an offset along the Z axis from the center of the local coordinate system.
Test face coloring using Color node.
Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to set the color field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test colorPerVertex set to true.
This test checks the special attenuation value of 0 0 0.
This test checks the special attenuation value of 0 0 0.
Test browser to shade light only on objects within its the radius field.
Test browser to shade light only on objects within its the radius field.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of complex geometry.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of complex geometry.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of complex geometry.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of complex geometry.
This test attempts to test the convex field of an Extrsusion.
Test creaseAngle.
This test attempts to draw an open Extrusion (end and beginning crossSection values are not the same).
Test browser to set the cutOffAngle field to a range of values on a set of a simple geometry (sphere) Seven rows of spheres are drawn in the local coordinate system and a single SpotLight is defined at the center.
Test browser to set the cutOffAngle field to a range of values on a set of a simple geometry (sphere) Seven rows of spheres are drawn in the local coordinate system and a single SpotLight is defined at the center.
Test browser ability to completely map one ImageTexture onto the image texture should map once on the surface of the ElevationGrid.
Test browser to set the direction field to a range of values on a a complex geometry (Extrusion) The geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system and it should be a doughnut like "figure".
Test browser to apply different direction field values to a complex geometry (ElevationGrid).
Test browser to set the direction field to a range of values on a set of simple geometry (sphere) The geometry are drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to apply different direction field values to a simple geometry (Sphere).
This test addresses the effect of the light direction on the diffuse color of a complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light direction on the diffuse color of a simple geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light direction on the specular color of a complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light direction on the specular color of a simple geometry.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using mostly default values.
Test natural order of transformation.
This test sets a different (and incremental) orientation value for each point in the spine field.
Test height field.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of simple geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of simple geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the diffuse color of simple geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of complex geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of simple geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of simple geometry.
This test addresses the effect of the light intensity on the specular color of simple geometry.
Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on complex geometry (Extrusion, ElevationGrid and IndexedFaceSet).
Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to set the intensity field to a range of values on simple geometry (cone, sphere, cylinder and box). one row of the simple geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to set the location field to a range of values on a a complex geometry (Extrusion) The geometry is drawn in the local coordinate system and it should be a doughnut like "figure".
Test browser to apply different location field values to a complex geometry (ElevationGrid).
Test browser to set the location field to a range of values on a set of simple geometry (sphere) The geometry are drawn in the local coordinate system.
Test browser to apply different location field values to a simple geometry (Sphere).
Test browser to nest multiple Anchor nodes in the children field of a parent Anchor node.
Test an Anchor to a single URL.
This test draws an Extruded circle of radius one along the Y axis.
Test negative heights.
This test apply normals to the quadrilateral of an ElevationGrid.
This test apply normals to the vertices of an ElevationGrid.
This test sets the on field to true/false for two DirectionalLight node defined using two different Transform node.
This test sets the on field to true/false for two PointLight node defined using two different Transform node.
This test sets the on field to true/false for two SpotLight node defined using two different Transform node.
This test attempts to draw an open Extrusion (end and beginning crossSection values are not the same).
This test addresses the importance of the transformation order when drawing a figure.
This test addresses the ability of a browser to apply a colored (red) light on an object of a different color (blue).
This test addresses the ability of a browser to apply a red light on a blue object.
This test addresses the ability of a browser to apply a colored (red) light on an object of a different color (blue).
This test defines a series of Transforms that rotates a multicolor IndexedFaceSet around the X axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that rotates an IndexedFaceSet around the Y axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that rotates an IndexedFaceSet around the Z axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that scales down a Sphere from its original size to a factor a 0.2 along the X axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that scales down a Sphere from its original size to a factor a 0.2 along the Y axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that scales down a Sphere from its original size to a factor a 0.2 along the Z axis.
Test browser to set different values for the X portion of the scaleOrientation field.
Test browser to set different values for the Y portion of the scaleOrientation field.
Test browser to set different values for the Z portion of the scaleOrientation field.
This test defines a series of Transforms that scales down a Sphere from its original size to a factor a 2.0 along the X axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that scales up a Sphere from its original size to a factor a 2.0 along the Y axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that scales up a Sphere from its original size to a factor a 2.0 along the Z axis.
This test checks the special attenuation value of 0 0 0.
This test checks the special attenuation value of 0 0 0.
Test browser to shine light only on objects within its radius.
Test browser to shine light only on objects within its radius.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of simple geometry.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of simple geometry.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of simple geometry.
Test browser to apply attenuation values to a set of simple geometry.
Test a simple Anchor reference, no viewpoints are used in the URL field.
This test sets the same orientation value for all the points in the spine field.
This test draws the same extruded circle twice.
This test draws the same open Extrusion twice with different value for the solid field for each one.
Test browser ability to completely map one ImageTexture onto the image texture should map once on the surface of the ElevationGrid.
This test attempts to map the VTS logo to an extruded circle.
This test defines a series of Transforms that translates a cylinder along the X axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that translates a sphere along the X, Y plane.
This test defines a series of Transforms that translates a sphere along the X, Z plane.
This test defines a series of Transforms that translates a cylinder along the Y axis.
This test defines a series of Transforms that translates a sphere along the Y, Z plane.
This test defines a series of Transforms that translates a cylinder along the Z axis.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test browser to bind a viewpoint to the current world by using the url field of an Anchor node.
Test browser to set a whole panorama of JPEG images on the same background.
Test browser to set a whole panorama of PNG images on the same background.
This test illustrates the effect of redefining the zSpacing field for the same ElevationGrid.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion using a spine path along the X, Y and Z directions.
This test attempts to draw an Extrusion with spine values along the Y and Z axis.
This test illustrates the effect of redefining the zSpacing field for the same ElevationGrid.
Default map an mpeg MovieTexture to a Text geometry.
A default box with a simple imagetexture applied.
A default cone with a simple imagetexture applied.
A default cylinder with a simple imagetexture applied.
A default sphere with a simple imagetexture applied.
Map a 256 by 256 pixel JPG image to a box.
Map a 256 by 256 pixel PNG image to a box.
The purple VTS logo should supersede the blue diffuseColor field defined in the Material node for an Extrusion, an ElevationGrid and an IndexedFaceSet.
Test texture color superseding material diffuseColor for primitive geometry.
Test texture color over Color node for complex geometry.
Test of the textureTransform field of the Appearance node by applying rotations of (left to right) 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees to an ImageTexture mapped to the faces of primitive geometry.
This is a collateral file referenced by the "new_world.x3d" file as part of the "Anchor referencing another Anchor" test.
Test JPG texture mapping to 3 equal length sides of a bounding box.
Test texture mapping for equal side bounding boxes along X Y and Z axes.
Test of mappping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with three equal length bounding box sides.
Test PNG texture mapping to 3 equal length sides of a bounding box.
Test enterTime field.
Test enterTime field.
This file tests the ability of a browser to parse the WorldInfo node, and its "title" field.
Test if a TouchSensor generates a touchTime event when the pointing device indicates a white Sphere geometry.
Test the CylinderSensors node ability to send "trackPoint_changed" events to other node.
Test of the trackPoint_changed field.
Test the SphereSensors node ability to send "trackPoint_changed" events to other node.
Test of the translation_changed field.
Test ImageTexture translation along S axis for complex geometry.
Test MovieTexture translation along S axis for complex geometry.
Test PixelTexture translation along S axis for complex geometry.
Test ImageTexture translation along T axis for complex geometry.
Test MovieTexture translation along t axis for complex geometry.
Test PixelTexture translation along T axis for complex geometry.Test browser ability to apply translations of (left to right) 0 -100.75, 0 -23.25, 0 0, 0 23.25, and 0 100.75 to a PixelTexture consisting of a square checkerboard of blue (lower left quadrant), yellow (lower right), red (upper right) and green (upper left) mapped to the faces of complex geometry, mapping with default complex geometry mapping rules.
Test ImageTexture translation along S axis for primitive geometry.
Test MovieTexture translation along S axis for primitive geometry.
Test PixelTexture translation along S axis for primitive geometry.
Test ImageTexture translation along T axis for primitive geometry.
Test MovieTexture translation along T axis for primitive geometry.
Test PixelTexture translation along T axis for primitive geometry.
Test texture color precedence over Color node for primitive geomtry.
Test transparency for complex geometry.
Test image mapping with 2 equal length sides of a bounding box.
Test texture mapping for equal long side bounding boxes along Y and Z axes.
Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with two long equal length bounding box sides.
Test PNG image texture mapping with 2 equal length sides of a bounding box.
Test JPG mappping with two equal length small sides of a bounding box.
Test texture mapping for equal small side bounding boxes along X and Y axes.
Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with two short equal length bounding box sides.
Test PNG mappping with two equal length small sides of a bounding box.
A PlaneSensor is associated with a red Box geometry.
Test if a CylinderSensor works in "unison" with a "sibling" TouchSensor associated with the same Box geometry.
Test if a PlaneSensor works in "unison" with a "sibling" TouchSensor associated with the same Box geometry.
Test if a SphereSensor works in "unison" with a "sibling" TouchSensor associated with the same Box geometry.
Test if a TouchSensor works in "unison" with a "sibling" PlaneSensor associated with the same Box geometry.
Test unlit, uncolored, untextured geometry.
Test unlit, uncolored geometry.
Test unlit, colored geometry.
Test unlit, colored and greyscale textured geometry.
Test unlit, greyscale textured geometry.
Test unlit, transparent greyscale textured geometry with alpha-opacity.
Test unlit PointSet and IndexedLineSet rendering.
Test rendering of transparent color ImageTexture with no Material node present.
Test rendering of no Material node, a 'green' Color node and a color ImageTexture.
Test rendering when no Material node, no Color node and an ImageTexture is applied to a row containing primitive geometry.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test of a ColorInterpolatorss ability to load the correct keyValue into its value_changed field before any events are received.
Test of a CoordinateInterpolators ability to load the correct keyValue into its "value_changed" field prior to receiving any events.
Test of a NormalInterpolators ability to load the correct keyValue into its "value_changed" field prior to receiving any events.Two NormalInterpolator node are associated with two seperate Box geometry.
Test of an OrientationInterpolator to load the correct "value_changed" field prior to receiving events.
Test of a PositionInterpolators ability to set its initial "value_changed" field to the correct value prior to receiving any events.
Test of a ScalarInterpolators ability to set its initial "value_changed" field to the correct value prior to receiving any events.
Test browser to make the region between the last angle of the skyAngle field and the nadir is clamped using the last angle when the last sky angle is < pi.
Test browser to make the region between the last angle of the groundAngle field and the equator invisible when the last ground angle is < pi/2.
A square figure is used to draw 10 vertices for a single face of an IndexedFaceSet as required by section 7.3 of the VRML specifications.
Test 15000 vertices per polyline minimum conformance requirement. 15000 vertices are used to draw a single polyline.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
This is a collateral file used in other tests for this node.
Test WALK type.