enabled.x3d using X_ITE

X_ITE X3D Browser   Test enabled field. A Sphere geometry has an associated VisibilitySensor in front of it, at point 0 0 0. The default ViewPoint is at point 0 0 10, looking down the -Z axis. A bounding box of size 4 4 4 is defined in the size field. The enterTime event is routed to a TimeSensor node to start a color animation of the Sphere geometry, and an exitTime event is routed to stop the color animation. However, because the enabled field is set to false, the animation will not start when the user moves to viewpoint 2 (behind the bounding box).

Display error: X3D model not shown.

Your HTML browser does not appear to support all features required by the X_ITE X3D player!

     Original X3D model: enabled.x3d

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