
X_ITE X3D Player   Test of a NormalInterpolators ability to load the correct keyValue into its "value_changed" field prior to receiving any events.Two NormalInterpolator node are associated with two seperate Box geometry. The NormalInterpolator associated with the Box on the left has a keyValue of 0 0 1, while the NormalInterpolator associated with the right Box has the default of no keyValues, or [ ]. As a result, the NormalInterpolator on the left should initialize its "value_changed" field to the value of its first keyValue, or 0 0 1. Because no keyValues are provided to the right NormalInterpolator, it should initialize its "value_changed" field to the MFVec3f default value of []. A Script node reads this value for each NormalInterpolator, and will illuminate the left associated Box by a value equal to its initially read "value_changed" MFVec3f normal value. The right Box will also illuminate, but only if [] is found as its initial value_changed MFVec3f object. When the pointing device passes over the left Box, it should generate a normal at each vertex of 0 0 1 (an fully illuminate the Box) each time it is indicated, then return to its original un-illuminated appearance when the Box is no longer indicated. When the pointing device passes over the right Box, it should NOT illuminate, since no default values are provided as its initial "value_changed" field.

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