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Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with three unequal length bounding box sides. The PixelTexture is RED (lower left quarter), YELLOW (lower right quarter), YELLOW (upper left quarter) and RED (upper right quarter). The PixelTexture should map to an IndexedFaceSet geometry by projecting the image through the geometry bounding box face with the long and second-longest axes, and onto the IndexedFaceSetgeometry. A horizontally reversed PixelTexture is mapped to the opposite side of the IndexedFaceSet. Geometry faces between the front and back are smeared with the projected end-pixels of the PixelTexture. The PixelTextures S axis is scaled to the long horizontal size of the bouding box. Any PixelTexture pixels extending beyond the geometry in the +T direction are removed to prevent image wharping. As a result, the top of the PixelTexture should appear chopped off


X3D Scene   Metadata
title   IndexedFaceSetExample.x3d
Image   IndexedFaceSet-front.jpg
Image   IndexedFaceSet-rear.jpg
Image   IndexedFaceSet-top.jpg
Image   IndexedFaceSet-bottom.jpg
Image   IndexedFaceSet-left.jpg
Image   IndexedFaceSet-right.jpg
disclaimer   This file was provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and is part of the X3D Conformance Test Suite, available at The information contained within this file is provided for use in establishing conformance to the ISO VRML97 Specification. Conformance to this test does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This software can be redistributed and/or modified freely provided that any derivative works bear some notice that they are derived from it, and any modified versions bear some notice that they have been modified.
reference   Original NIST Conformance Testing Group,
reference   Interactive Conformance Testing for VRML, Mary Brady and Lynn Rosenthal, NIST, created 8 September 2010 and updated 25 August 2016,
info   Correct definition and compliance of this conformance scene is maintained by the X3D Working Group,
translator   Michael Kass NIST, Don Brutzman NPS
translated   21 January 2001
modified   28 August 2023
description   Test of mapping a PixelTexture image to an IndexedFaceSet with three unequal length bounding box sides. The PixelTexture is RED (lower left quarter), YELLOW (lower right quarter), YELLOW (upper left quarter) and RED (upper right quarter). The PixelTexture should map to an IndexedFaceSet geometry by projecting the image through the geometry bounding box face with the long and second-longest axes, and onto the IndexedFaceSetgeometry. A horizontally reversed PixelTexture is mapped to the opposite side of the IndexedFaceSet. Geometry faces between the front and back are smeared with the projected end-pixels of the PixelTexture. The PixelTextures S axis is scaled to the long horizontal size of the bouding box. Any PixelTexture pixels extending beyond the geometry in the +T direction are removed to prevent image wharping. As a result, the top of the PixelTexture should appear chopped off
generator   Vrml97ToX3dNist,
generator   X3D-Edit 4.0,
license   ../../license.html
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