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(Created page with "==Contact== Specification Link: [http://www.web3d.org/documents/specifications/19775-1/V3.3/Part01/components/rigid_physics.html#Contact Contact] <pre> Contact : X3DNode { ...")
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* [[Node Reference]]
*[[Node Reference]]

Revision as of 16:31, 26 March 2015


Specification Link: Contact

Contact : X3DNode {
  MFString [in,out] appliedParameters        "BOUNCE"
  SFNode   [in,out] body1                    NULL     [RigidBody]
  SFNode   [in,out] body2                    NULL     [RigidBody]
  SFFloat  [in,out] bounce                   0        [0,1]
  SFVec3f  [in,out] contactNormal            0 1 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFFloat  [in,out] depth                    0        (-∞,∞)
  SFVec2f  [in,out] frictionCoefficients     0 0      [0,∞)
  SFVec3f  [in,out] frictionDirection        0 1 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFNode   [in,out] geometry1                NULL     [X3DNBodyCollidableNode]
  SFNode   [in,out] geometry2                NULL     [X3DNBodyCollidableNode]
  SFNode   [in,out] metadata                 NULL     [X3DMetadataObject]
  SFFloat  [in,out] minbounceSpeed           0        [0,∞)
  SFVec3f  [in,out] position                 0 0 0    (-∞,∞)
  SFVec2f  [in,out] slipCoefficients         0 0      (-∞,∞)
  SFFloat  [in,out] softnessConstantForceMix 0.0001   [0,1]
  SFFloat  [in,out] softnessErrorCorrection  0.8      [0,1]
  SFVec2f  [in,out] surfaceSpeed             0 0      (-∞,∞)

Note: Although validation is provided this node cannot be included directly within an X3D file. It will only be created programmatically by the browser.

==DTD Validation==


==Schema Validation==


==Schematron validation==


*[[Node Reference]]