Insert the following entries alphabetically according to Node name and hyperlink to the corresponding location specified in the Specification column.
Node | Specification |
CADAssembly | 32.4.1 |
CADFace | 32.4.2 |
CADLayer | 32.4.3 |
CADPart | 32.4.4 |
ComposedCubeMapTexture | 34.4.1 |
ComposedShader | 31.4.1 |
ComposedTexture3D | 33.4.1 |
FloatVertexAttribute | 31.4.2 |
FogCoordinate | 24.4.3 |
GeneratedCubeMapTexture | 34.4.2 |
ImageCubeMapTexture | 34.4.3 |
ImageTexture3D | 33.4.2 |
IndexedQuadSet | 32.4.5 |
LocalFog | 24.4.4 |
Matrix3VertexAttribute | 31.4.3 |
Matrix4VertexAttribute | 31.4.4 |
PackagedShader | 31.4.5 |
PixelTexture3D | 33.4.3 |
ProgramShader | 31.4.6 |
QuadSet | 32.4.6 |
ShaderPart | 31.4.7 |
ShaderProgram | 31.4.8 |
TextureCoordinate3D | 33.4.4 |
TextureCoordinate4D | 33.4.5 |
TextureTransformMatrix3D | 33.4.6 |
TextureTransform3D | 33.4.7 |
X3DEnvironmentTextureNode | 34.3.1 |
X3DFogObject | 24.3.2 |
X3DProductStructureChildNode | 32.3.1 |
X3DProgrammableShaderObject | 31.3.1 |
X3DShaderNode | 31.3.2 |
X3DTexture3DNode | 33.3.1 |
X3DVertexAttributeNode | 31.3.3 |
In the HTML for the row for X3DPrototypeInstance, remove the text "h-" from the hyperlink.