Table 26.1

In the HTML, change the hyperlink for 26.4 to "#SupportLevels".

26.3.1, node signature

Remove "[X3DCoordinateNode]" from the displacements field.

Append the range "(-∞, ∞)" to the weight field.

26.3.2, node signature

The allowable range of the skeleton field should be changed from "[HAnimJoint]" to "[HAnimJoint, HAnimSite]".

The allowable range of the viewpoints field should be changed from "[Viewpoint]" to "[HAnimSite]".

26.3.2, 1st paragraph

In the 1st sentence, change the word "Viewpoint" to "HAnimSite".

26.3.4, Node signature

Replace the range of the mass field with "[0,∞)"


In the HTML, change the bookmark for 26.4 to "SupportLevels".