Plug-in and browser compliance

Revision as of 20:05, 3 March 2006 by Dfirefire (Talk | contribs) (X3D standards compliance)

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There are various plug-ins and browsers available. This page is intended to give an overview on how these programs comply with the standards.

Scene access compliance

Browser ECMAScript Java Other (specify)
Flux internal internal  
Octaga internal internal  
other...  ?  ?  ?

X3D standards compliance

Browser Version Supported Not Supported
Flux Player 2 (Beta)    
Octaga Player 1.8 Supported X3D Profiles:

Core; Immersive; Interactive; Interchange; MPEG-4 Interactive;

Supported X3D Components:

Core; EnvironmentalEffects; EnvironmentalSensor; EventUtilities; Geometry2D; Geometry3D; Grouping; Interpolation; KeyDeviceSensor; Lighting; Navigation; Networking; NURBS (partial support); PointingDeviceSensor; Rendering; Scripting; Shape; Sound; Text; Texturing; Time;

Supported Amendment 1 Components:

Programable Shaders (partial support); Cube map enviromental texturing (partial support)

other...  ?  ?  ?