VR Hackathon Results

The first VR Hackathon was held 18-19 October 2014 at the fantastic Gray Area Theater in the Mission District of San Francisco. This high-energy event was kicked off with a VRMeetup and mixer Friday Night.  An amazing group 33 teams immediately launched into their projects Saturday morning and kept up a furious pace of production until Sunday’s cut-off time and judging began.

Were you a member of a team -- please provide us with your team's information

Sponsors for the event are:

This event was full of excitement, innovation and camaraderie. There were 12 different categories that teams could compete.The judged circulated through the floor and then several groups presented on stage. After deep deliberations, the judges announced the winners, who received their prizes in front of a cheering crowd. Judging was based on an additive point system where the following were valued:

More information on our judges is available at:http://vrhackathon.com/hack-winners.html

  • Accordance with category requirements
  • Innovation and creativity to push VR application and interface
  • Amount of effort (scope of weekend code, number of team members)
  • Openness of code (willing to share?)
  1. Best of Show

    1. 1-800-Reactive - Ghostbusters styled game with haptic interface controller.
      Members: Mike Jones, Dylan Watkins, Ivan Blaustein, Joe Boyle, Will Provancher
  2. Web-based VR
    1. First Place

      Team Med Explorer - Oculus Rift + Leap to manipulate and browse image library
      Members: Torstun Becker, Lars Schneider
    2. Second Place

      VLSC - Oculus Rift + Leap experience with audio
      Members: Chris Crismond. Jack Ker
    3. Third Place

      STOQs - Oculus Rift exploration of MBARI mission data
      Members: Andrew McCann, Paul Fuller
  3. Mobile-based VR
    1. First Place

      VR Awesome - Google cardboard web page to browse search results in 3D
      Members: Chris Hopper, Dave Liu, Glenn Dai
    2. Second Place

      VR Muffin - Google cardboard app with leg muscle sensor that drives a virtual character's navigation
      Members: Bruce Wu, Xing Hu
  4. Digital Fabrication & VR
    1. FIrst Place

      Mood Engine - Oculus Rift + Leap immersive light fixture design tool
      Jack Pryne, Cindy Zhang
    2. Second Place

      Do It Mondo Style - 3D Printing of headset chassis and QR coding of 3D printed objects
  5. Appearance

    1. Rayrunner - Native application with Oculus Rift, Leap sensor, and ray tracing to manipulate procedural geometry
      Members: Florian Hoenig, Dusan Bosnjak
  6. Health & VR
    1. First Place

      Skywalker -
      Members: Christopher Peri, Dave Arendash, Hunter Whitney, David Yue, Logan Rosenberger, Jeff Rosenberger
    2. Second Place

      Awesome - Detecting onset of Parkinson's Disease with hand tremors
      Members: Jimmy Zhang, Mel Zhang
    3. Third Place

      Ebola - Decontamination procedure
  7. Character Based Experience

    1. Don't Lie to Me -
      Members: Yuping Zhang, Colin Wright
  8. Unity3D VR

    1. 1-800-Reactive - Ghostbusters styled game with haptic interface controller
      Members: Mike Jones, Dylan Watkins, Ivan Blaustein, Joe Boyle, Will Provancher
  9. Mixed Reality Gaming
    1. First Place

      Do It Mondo Style - 3D Printing of headset chassis and QR coding of 3D printed objects
  10. Best New VR Developer

    1. Blood Moon -
      Members: Tanara Cole
  11. Student VR
    1. No entries
  12. VR to 3D Print
    1. No entries