
Mitch Williams

Mitch Williams develops software for Samsung’s GearVR virtual reality system involving it integration with Web 3D technologies.  Previously he developed WebGL data visualization software for Cisco, Google Earth and Otoy.

Prior to those, Mitch developed Dynamic-X3D, an X3D graphics engine for the web.  He also taught 3d Graphics Engineering for the University of California Extension programs and high schools.  He resides in California.

Brower-Based Mobile 3D VR

X3DOM is a JavaScript library that brings declarative 3D to HTML pages. The 3D content is fully integrated with the DOM and accessible via all standard DOM libraries (e.g., jQuery). This 2-part presentation covers the extensions to X3DOM necessary for X3DOM running in a browser to support mobile devices and provide VR content. The first part covers existing X3DOM capabilities and how W3C handles device orientation. The second part covers the new nodes necessary to support mobile devices and VR/AR support.