Web3D 2014 Conference

The 19th International Conference on 3D Web Technology is a major event for researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists and content creators, focused on new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies.
Web3D 2014 Logo
Friday, 2014, August 8 - 12:00am to Sunday, 2014, August 10 - 12:00am
Vancouver, Canada

The annual ACM Web3D Conference is a major event which unites researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists and content creators in a dynamic learning environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies such as X3D, VRML, Collada, MPEG family, U3D, Java3D and other technologies. The conference also focuses on recent trends in interactive 3D graphics, information integration and usability in the wide range of Web3D applications from mobile devices to high-end immersive environments.

Share and explore methods of using, enhancing and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies such WebGL and HTML5 (which is a hot topic in Computer Graphics), Flash/ Stage 3D, X3D, COLLADA, and the MPEG family.

The conference highlights capabilities and trends in interactive 3D graphics across a wide range of applications and supports research from mobile devices up to high-end immersive environments.

Press Release: 
Release Date: 
Fri, 2014-01-17